Heartworm disease is a very serious and potentially fatal disease caused by a blood-borne parasite transferred to animals by mosquitoes. This disease can cause congestive heart failure, lung disease, thromboembolism (obstruction of blood vessels by blood clots), and damage to other organs. Treatment for heartworm disease can be expensive and painful for your pet. Thankfully, it can be easily prevented by a once-a-month, year-round oral or topical medication. For more information about heartworm disease and prevention, feel free to contact our office.
Heartworm Basics
Heartworm Transmission: It Only Takes One Bite
Heartworm Disease Life Cycle
Heartworm Testing 1-2-3
The Pet Care Library is intended to provide pet owners with information regarding pet care and diseases. This library and its contents should be used in conjunction with a veterinarian's advice, not as a replacement. Please contact our office with any questions or concerns.